What are my goals? And how do I plan to achieve them?
My short-term goals as a wildlife carer are to build a few large enclosures on my property so I can care for multiple different species at a time. This is an expensive venture, so as I'm sure you're now aware, I'm able to continue to provide wildlife rehabilitation through the profits from my shop & generous donations. This setup will be my 'nursery' property. This is where I will live and be able to care for these animals as my full-time job.
My long-term goal is to buy a property bordering on Wilderness World Heritage Area (ideally), or part of a conservation area. This will be my release property. Large enclosures that can house the animals from my nursery property once they're ready for release. This is called a soft release site. This is the ideal way to release animals that have been in care with us humans. It's a way to cut contact with them as much as possible, to de-humanize them, getting them ready for the wild. Once de-humanized, you then open up their door/gate and allow them to come and go as long as they like. It means they can come back to a safe place of shelter with food and water, without putting stress on them to find those things for themselves straight away. Eventually, they don't come back and they live their life in the wild once again. This property may also house a small wildlife emergency clinic. Somewhere I could perform basic triage needs and care, to help support the Huon Valley wildlife in need. Achieving this dream I know will take a while. Once my main nursery property is established, I will aim to put away a small amount of the profits from my products to help achieve this goal.
If you believe in this dream too, please get in touch. I love hearing from like-minded people. You can send me an email directly or a DM on my Instagram. Together, I truly believe we can make a difference. There's power in community. Feel free to share my story/mission far and wide.