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"I want to help, but i don't know how"

A question I get a lot is from people who feel very passionately about what I do and the mission that I am on but don't know how to help. And other people who want to buy something or donate to my cause but don't want anything in return for it (i.e., one of my products). I absolutely understand this, so I have created a list of products that I am saving up for.

I also have a list of products that I buy regularly. They are my most used items. You can check them out on my FAQ page by clicking the button below.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me, either through my web page chat (please leave your email) or directly by emailing me at


Name: TasWild

BSB: 923100


Currently saving for 2 ICU units.
They're $1600 each + postage + fees.
I'm starting to save for one.
My goal to cover this is $1800!
Want to help? Donate below!
You can check them out here.

Small furless joeys, newly hatched birds and sick/injured animals often can't maintain their own body temperature. An ICU unit allows you to adjust and maintain temperature and humidity.

This is such a vital addition to my equipment - especially as I start to take in more birds and more vulnerable/sick & injured creatures.

My goal is to have two, but for now one will be AMAZING!!!!!

If you'd like to donate, please hit the big blue button above. Every dollar counts towards this goal!

There are other essential medical items on my list - if you scroll to the bottom of this page, you'll see them.

Thank you for your help! Together we can make a huge impact & support the animals in need!

Things I am saving up for.

There are sooooooooo many things I am saving up for. Some are ridiculously expensive. Others are cheaper. Here is a list of all the items I wish to purchase over my journey to becoming the best possible wildlife carer I can be.



Husbandry & Rehabilitation of Waterbirds & Seabirds     Dr Anne Fowler (PURCHASED)
Husbandry and Rehabilitation of Injured Native Birds      Dr Anne Fowler (PURCHASED)
Husbandry & Rehabilitation of Orphaned Birds                Dr Anne Fowler (PURCHASED)
Husbandry & rehabilitation of Raptors                              Dr Anne Fowler
Australian Bird Rehabilitation Manual                              Norma Henderson (PURCHASED)
Chick Identification                                                           Norma Henderson (PURCHASED)
Australian Magpie (2004)                                                 Gisela Kaplan
Magpie Alert (2002)                                                          Darryl Jones
Guide to basic health and disease in birds (2002)           Dr Michael Cannon
Guide to incubation and hand-rearing birds                     Phil Digney



Raising and Rehabilitation of Macropods                         Dr Anne Fowler (PURCHASED)
First Aid and Rehabilitation of Possums                           Dr Anne Fowler (PURCHASED)
The others: bandicoots, dasyurids, rodents                      Dr Anne Fowler (PURCHASED)
Bettongs, Potoroos and the Musky Rat-Kangaroo (2002) Andrew Claridge
Wombats, 2nd edn (2009)                                                Barbara Triggs
Kangaroos 2nd edn (2012)                                               Terence Dawson
Possums: Brushtail, ringtails, greater glider (2001)          Anne Kerle
Small Mammals of Eastern Australia                                Norma Henderson


Husbandry and Rehabilitation of Injured Reptiles & Frogs     Dr Anne Fowler
Living with snakes and other reptiles (2011)                    Simon Watharow
Complete Guide to the Reptiles of Australia (2013)         Steve Wilson & Gerry Swan
Keeping blue tongue lizards (ABK pub) (2001)                Grant Turner
Guide to husbandry and disease of reptiles                     Dr Brendan Carmel & Dr Robert Johnson
Guide to Australian Snakes in Captivity: Elapids and Colubrids     Scott Eipper
A Guide to Australian Skinks (2012)                               Danny Brown
A Guide to Australian Dragons (2012)                            Danny Brown


RADIOLOGY OF AUSTRALIAN MAMMALS                        Larry Vogelnest, Graeme Allan

Nutrition of Wildlife                                                           Dr Anne Fowler
Care of Australian Wildlife (2010)                                     Erna Walraven
Under the microscope (2003)                                           Dr Danny Brown
Tracks, Scats and other traces (2011)                             Barbara Triggs
Australian Wildlife After Dark (2016 CSIRO Publishing)  Martyn Robinson & Bruce Thomson

Australian Mammals Biology and Captive Management        Stephen Jackson

Brinsea ICU x2

Brooder x 2                                                                    (Donated)

Littmann pediatric stethoscope

Compound trinocular microscope & complimentary equipment for fecal & skin analysis.

Where to send them:
Janelle Olivia
PO Box 361
Geeveston TAS 7116

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